How can I pay the IBI online in Barcelona?

May 2, 2023

If you own a property in Barcelona, ​​paying the IBI (property tax) is a necessary task. However, with the advancement of technology, paying the IBI online has become an easy and convenient option for many owners. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to pay IBI online in Barcelona in 2023. From payment options to discounts and requirements, we'll cover everything you need to know to ensure a hassle-free payment process. So, let's get started and make the IBI payment a piece of cake!

Expiration date and payment options

When it comes to paying municipal taxes in Barcelona, ​​it is essential to take into account the due date and the payment methods available. Owners must pay the tax before May 2, which gives them a reasonable amount of time to finish the process. However, it is recommended to take care of this obligation as soon as possible to avoid any last-minute difficulties. To make the payment procedure more comfortable, there are various channels available, like the web, newspaper stands, post offices and telephone. Therefore, the owners have the opportunity to choose the option that best suits their preferences.

For those who prefer to pay their taxes through the automatic debit payment (direct debit to a bank account), there is the option of dividing the payment into four installments. This can be a great alternative for peoplewho want to split up and facilitate their payments. This should be done by calling  Hacienda Catalana  at 93 291 11 00. One may only use the installment payment starting on the second year after the purchase has taken place.

It is important to recognize that paying taxes on time is essential, as there can be serious repercussions for late payments. Home owners who do not pay on time may suffer property seizures, moratory interests and legal action. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of the due date and choose the payment option that works the best to avoid problems or additional costs.

How can I pay the IBI online in Barcelona?

Discounts and calculations

Calculating your tax bill can be a bit tricky, but it's important to understand how it's done to make sure you pay the correct amount. The equation used to determine the amount of the IBI owed is simply the product of the coefficient and the cadastral value. The coefficient is established by the City Council and may vary depending on the location and the urban characteristics of the property; the cadastral value is set by the Spanish Tax Agency and is based on the estimated value of the property. It is essential to have these figures on hand to calculate the amount to pay for the IBI.

Barcelona offers several reductions in the IBI, such as 50 percent for large families and 90 percent for disabled peoples. To request a reduction, you have to fill out an online form and submit the necessary documents, for example a family certificate for large families or a disability certificate for people with disabilities. Keep in mind that the deductions are applied to the coefficient of the property and not to the cadastral value, which means that the amount saved depends on the location and characteristics of the property.

It is essential to paythe IBI on time to avoid sanctions and surcharges. The deadline for the paymentof the IBI according to the payment method you choose are the following:

  •   1st fraction March 3
  •   2nd fraction June 5
  •   3rd fraction September 04
  •   4th fraction December 04
  • NOT RESIDENTIAL March 1 to May 2.

The fee can be paid in four installments by direct debit. This means that the amount owed will be automatically deducted from your bank account in four installments throughout the year. It is a comfortable option for those who prefer to avoid the long lines at the Treasury office. However, it is important to ensure that there is enough money in the account to avoid any non-funded payments.

In short, it is important to know the discounts and calculations of the IBI in Barcelona to avoid paying more and take advantage of potential savings. By providing the required documents and understanding how to calculate the amount to be paid, you can ensure that the correct amount is paid. Don't forget to take advantage of the available discounts, which can mean huge savings. Make sure you pay ontime and choose the payment method that suits you best.

Requirements for online payment

One of the most important aspects when making an online IBI payment in Barcelona is to make sure that all the appropriate requirements are met before starting thetransaction. It is essential to have a valid digital certificate, which guarantees the security of the payment process. This certificate can be obtained through the website of the Spanish Tax Agency or through your bank. In addition, it is necessary to have a suitable means of payment, such as a credit or debit card, which you must register with your bank before making the payment. Making sure you have a stable internet connection and a compatible device are also important components. If you take these needs into account, you can easily make the IBI online payment in Barcelona without any problem.

To complete the IBI payment in Barcelona, ​​it is also crucial to have the relevant data of your property and tax information updated. This includes having your cadastral value and coefficient, which are used to calculate the amount to pay. In addition, if you are entitled to any deduction or exemption, you must provide the necessary documentation, such as the large family certificate. It must be taken into account that the due date for payment is May 2, and non-compliance may entail additional fees and penalties. By taking all these aspects into account and making sure that your information is up to date, you will be able to make the online IBI payment in Barcelona without problems.


In conclusion, paying the IBI in Barcelona has never been easier with the various payment options available, such as the Internet, newspaper stands, post offices and telephone. Those who wish to request a discount can do so by filling out an online formand providing the necessary documentation. It is also important to take into account the payment terms and the formula used to calculate the IBI. By following these steps and requirements, property owners in Barcelona can easily and efficiently pay their IBI tax online in 2023.


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